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12个免费的responsive website库存PSD模板和模型

个人和商业用途的responsive website Photoshop 文件

响应 Web 站点导航
<p>当你已经在电脑店里唯一的选择是大尺寸的桌面或基于塔式机,伴随着一张 CD 来安装 Windows 操作系统的日子一去不复返。</p><p>消费者今天都面临着越来越多的数字设备和品牌。公司生产计算和移动设备将被锁定在激烈的竞争,影响公众舆论,并影响消费者的购买行为。</p><p>应用程序开发者和设计者必须采取股票新的现实,如果他们想要留在这个市场有关。如今开发用户界面,可以响应各种数字平台上出售花了大量精力。</p><p>网站或一个应用程序,可以工作的一个平台,说 PC,但失去了它的可用性和设计吸引力在其他平台上的不能在这个市场中取得成功。</p><p>我分享今天的赠品是响应的网站导航。我已把网址导航和移动 <a title="Navigation"href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/category/navigation/"> 导航</a> 并排。</p><p>作为一名设计师,你应该能够想象一个网站的导航在不同平台上的显示方式。一个好的网站的导航将被理解和容易使用的所有设备,包括手机、 平板电脑和个人电脑上。</p><p>你也可能对某些这些以前已过帐赠品感兴趣: <a title="Website Menu"href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/website-menu/"rel="bookmark"> 网站菜单</a>、 <a title="Web Page Menu"href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/web-page-menu/"rel="bookmark"> Web 页菜单</a>、 <a title="Website Navigation Bar"href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/website-navigation-bar/"rel="bookmark"> 网站的导航栏</a> 和 <a title="Dropdown Menu Template"href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/dropdown-menu-template/"rel="bookmark"> 下拉列表菜单模板</a>。</p><p> </p>

响应 Web 站点导航

响应 Web 站点导航
<p>Gone are the days when the only choice you had at the computer shop was a big-size desktop or tower-based machine accompanied with a CD to install Windows OS.</p> <p>Consumers today are faced with a growing number of digital devices and brands. Companies producing computing and mobile devices are locked in stiff competition to sway public opinion and influence consumer buying behavior.</p> <p>App developers and designers must take stock of the new realities if they want to stay relevant in this market. Nowadays a lot of effort is spent developing user interfaces that can respond to various digital platforms on sale.</p> <p>A website or an app that can work well on one platform, say PC, but loses all its usability and design attractiveness on other platforms cannot succeed in this market.</p> <p>The freebie I’m sharing today is a responsive website navigation. I have placed the website navigation and mobile <a title="Navigation" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/category/navigation/">navigation</a> side by side.</p> <p>As a designer you should be able to imagine how a website navigation will appear on different platforms. A good website navigation will be understandable and easy to use on all devices, including mobiles, tablets, and personal computers.</p> <p>You may also be interested in some of these previously posted freebies: <a title="Website Menu" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/website-menu/" rel="bookmark">Website Menu</a>, <a title="Web Page Menu" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/web-page-menu/" rel="bookmark">Web Page Menu</a>, <a title="Website Navigation Bar" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/website-navigation-bar/" rel="bookmark">Website Navigation Bar</a> and <a title="Dropdown Menu Template" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/dropdown-menu-template/" rel="bookmark">Dropdown Menu Template</a>.</p> <p> </p>

响应 Web 站点导航

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